Sunday, February 1, 2009

School Poem


I'm sitting at my desk making a lot of noise about something my principal asked me to take home to fill out. I complain loudly for the kids to hear, “It’s like having homework.” I ask the children to listen as I read the poem to the class.
Homework! Oh, Homework!
By Jack Prelutsky
Homework! Oh, Homework!
I hate you! You stink!
I wish I could wash you
Away in the sink,
If only a bomb
Would explode you to bits.
Homework! Oh, homework!
You’re giving me fits.

I’d rather take baths
With a man-eating shark,
Or wrestle a lion
Alone in the dark,
Eat spinach and liver,
Pet ten porcupines,
Than tackle the homework
My teacher assigns.

Homework! Oh, Homework!
You’re last on my list,
I simply can’t see
Why you even exist,
If you just disappeared
It would tickle me pink.
Homework! Oh, homework!
I hate you! You stink!

Prelutsky, Jack. THE NEW KID ON THE BLOCK. New York: Greenwillow Books, 1984.

Lead a short discussion on what will happen when we don’t do our homework. Ask kids to compare it to the benefits of doing their homework. I'll schedule extra time for the class to complete their homework during center time. The activity is to show children that it doesn’t usually take a long time to do their homework. Their homework will be to write their own poem about doing or not doing their homework. Poetry books are in the class library for students to read for other examples.

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